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Free resources on the internet


The retypeset version of Teach Yourself Irish has the audio built in and more reliable search, but it also has typos and even stunning errors where the retypesetter has added incorrect footnotes.

Video series


Spelling and Pronunciation

Dictionaries (with pronunciation)

  • Teanglann
    • An online version of de Bhaldraithe's English-Irish Dictionary (EID) and Ó Dónall's Foclór Gaeilge-Béarla (FGB), as well as An Foclóir Beag and a grammar tab and pronunciation tab. Very handy to look up words.
  • New English-Irish Dictionary (NEID)


  • Gramadach na Gaeilge (GnaG): An online grammar covering just about anything you can think of for Irish. Does contain some mistakes, but the most comprehensive free grammar you can find. (Sometimes a bit technical, but if you can deal with grammar terminology, very useful)
  • An Caighdeán Oifigiúil (the official standard; written in Irish)
  • Réimnigh: Conjugation tables for common verbs (standard and all three major dialects)

Word games


Raidió na Gaeltachta (RnaG)

Raidió na Gaeltachta is an Irish-language radio station. They broadcast a wide variety of programmes, including:

  • Adhmhaidin: A(n) (inter)national current affairs show, with speakers from all over Ireland
  • An Saol Ó Dheas: Current affairs from Munster, with speakers from the dialectal areas included
  • Barrscéalta: Current affairs in Donegal, usually with presenters from Gaoth Dobhair
  • Iris Aniar: Current affairs in Connacht and Meath, with speakers from the dialectal areas included


TG4 is the Irish-language television station. Plays a variety of programmes from a variety of different topics. Most programmes only contain burnt-in English subs, but this is changing recently. Various recommended programmes include:

  • Comhrá: A regular conversation show between iconic host Máirtín Tom Sheáinín and a different guest where he talks with them about their life experiences
  • Cúla4: Kids programming on TG4. Good for children or those who want to practice with vocabulary/structures aimed at a child's ability. Might be boring for adults.
  • Nuacht TG4: The daily news show. High quality presenters. Contains no subtitles.
  • Ros na Rún: An Irish-language soap opera, running since 1996 with over 1500 episodes. Later seasons have options for English subs or Irish subs. Earlier seasons and episodes can be found on YouTube.
  • Seacht Lá: Politics and the economy, regional, national and international affairs. Live debate on the major issues of the day with a panel of analysts, experts and political pundits. No subtitles.


Vifax is a website created and updated by Maynooth University, which takes clips from Nuacht TG4 and transcribes them. They also include questions at various levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) to help guide listening and focus on listening ability. Very useful resource to practice listening ability.

There is also a helpful blog post about how to use Vifax at varying levels.

Short stories


  • Duolingo: It's all right when you have the right expectations. I found it useful for vocabulary and just practice in general, but I wouldn't recommend it as the only thing to use.
    • The mobile apps don't provide to the tips page that each skill has in the web version. You can refer to to read them on mobile.

Blogs and other dialectal resources

Most of these blogs focus on specific regional dialects.

Southern Scotland and East Ulster

West Ulster


West Munster

East Munster


