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Online Courses
- [4] SaySomethingInCornish – a good introduction to Cornish with 15 oral lessons in graded levels in SWF (M)
- [5] Kernewek Dre Lyther – a correspondence course in 105 lessons in SWF (M) and Kemmyn
- [6] Memrise - dozens of flashcard decks on various topics on grammar and vocabulary
- [7] Courses on Deckacademy (previously on Memrise)
- [8] Decks by Memrise - decks produced by GoCornish
- [9] Clozemaster course in Cornish
- [10] Quizlet exercises in Cornish
- [11] uTalk app in Cornish
- [12] IndyLan - an app for Apple or GooglePlay
- [13] Master Any Language course with exercises
- [14] Anki course with useful phrases
- [15] Kernewek Bew – an audio-course by Dan Prohaska in Late Cornish + various links
- [16] Audio course on Soundcloud by Dan Prohaska
- [17] Alternative set of audio courses from Dan Prohaska
- [18] Set of 47 audio lessons from Matthi Clarke
- [19] An Kylgh Kernewek – find a Cornish class, online or face to face
- [20] An Rosweyth - Speak Cornish website with links to classes and conversation groups
- [21] GoCornish - find a face-to-face Cornish class
- [22] Parallel – Cornish lessons through the medium of Welsh
- [23] Kesva an Yeth Kernewek – sound files and exercises to accompany the book Bora Brav
- [24] Skeul an Tavas – podcasts, courses and exercises in Kernowek Standard
- [25] Klass an Hay – Cornish classes and resources
- [26] - Personalised lessons and classes (Kernewek Kemmyn)
- [27] Learn Cornish in Cornwall - Personalised lessons on language and literature (SWF Late)
- [28] Cornish with Clive - podcasts in Unified
- [29] Modern Cornish – Correspondence course, audio course and Skype conversations in SWF (Late)
- [30] A series of lessons in Modern Cornish (Late)
- [31] Teer ha Tavaz - collection of lessons in Late Cornish
- [32] Cornish courses in London
- [33] A series of podcasts for beginners by Bethany Sheppard
- [34] Alternative channel for the podcasts by Bethany Sheppard
- [35] Blas Kernewek - phrases and vocabulary to go with a series of introductory radio sessions (radio sessions now no longer available)
- [36] Cornwall Council website with information about WJEC exam
- [37] Game matching words to pictures
- [38] Now defunct bulletin board with some word and phrase lists for various occasions
- [39] Calendar of Cornish conversation groups
- [40] – dictionary in SWF (M)
- [41] Korpus an Akademi Kernewek – the corpus of material from Cornwall Council’s translation service with language found in context
- [42] Taklow Kernewek – place name map based on Akademi Kernewek’s place names panel’s work
- [43] Mamgerlyver – pdf dictionary in Late Cornish
- [44] Gerlyver Kescows hag erel dictionaries and wordlists in Kernowek Standard
- [45] Link to the Terminology Panel with various specialist word lists
- [46] Bilingual picture dictionary offering 1300 or so words in Cornish and a choice of over 100 other languages. In SWF (Late) Main Graphs
- [47] Cornish - French simple vocabulary and phrases
- [48] Discord resources channel with downloadable dictionaries by Neil Kennedy, Richard Gendall and Rod Lyon (Late Cornish) and by Tim Saunders
- [49] Open Celtic dictionary
- [50] Smaller Google Document comparing all six Celtic languages
- [51] Gerlyver Kembrek/Kernewek Kernewek/Kembrek - Welsh/Cornish Cornish/Welsh Dictionary
- [52] An English/Cornish/Welsh dictionary
- [53] Glosbe dictionary
- [54] Swear words in Cornish
- [55] Word lists for birds and sea creatures in Cornish
- [56] The final version of the SWF Agreement
- [57] Cornish for Beginners – short grammar book in Unified
- [58] Verb conjugation aid in SWF (M)
- [59] Handy notes on the grammar of Cornish verbs
- [60] An Wiasva – verb conjugation aid in Kemmyn
- [61] – brief introduction to Cornish grammar
- [62] Pdf copy of Skeul an Yeth Book 1 by Wella Brown from Kesva' website
- [63] Skeul an Tavas – variety of aids including conversation patterns and pronunciation
- [64] A Handbook of the Cornish Language – the book that started the revival, Henry Jenner’s ‘A Handbook of the Cornish Language’
- [65] Another site with a transcription of Jenner's 'A Handbook of the Cornish Language'
- [66] Verb conjugator in Late Cornish
- [67] Online mutation aid
- [68] Spellyans - discussion board for grammar and vocabulary, mostly in Standard or Unified/UCR
- [69] Unilang - discussion board for Celtic language with some Cornish grammar content (like this one)
- [70] Govel Geryow - Tony Snell's bulletin board for discussion or terminology
- [71] Link to Kornisch Wort Für Wort (Cornish language textbook in German) and others
- [72] Comprehensive grammar of Middle Cornish by a Dutch academic
- [73] Some handy word and phrase lists from David Matthew
- [74] Cornish music on YouTube – a selection of over 300 songs
- [75] More YouTube videos of songs and language clips
- [76] Skwardya – website of rock band Skwardya
- [77] Cornish National Music Archive – information about traditional music
- [78] Kesson - Cornish traditional songs and recordings
- [79] Canow Kernow by Inglis Gundry - Cornish traditional songs
- [80] An Daras = Cornish folk arts project
- [81] Lyrics to many Cornish songs and translations of popular English language songs
- [82] Hymns in Cornish
- [83] Christmas carols in Cornish
- [84] Nursery rhymes in Cornish
- [85] Several nursery rhymes sung in Cornish
- [86] Nursey rhyme time in Cornish
- [87] Information and discussion about Cornish traditional music
- [88] Webinar - history of Cornish traditional music through women's eyes (and ears)
- [89] Website about the life and works of Brenda Wootton - first lady of Cornish song
- [90] Website for Gwenno
- [91] Website of the band Hanterhir
- [92] Website of Tanya Brittain, poet and founder of folk band The Changing Room
- [93] Website of folk band Dalla
- [94] Sounds Like Cornwall - YouTube channel with many tapes and albums of songs and readings.
- [95] Cornish Dance Society
- [96] Speak Cornish website - links to various songs.
- [97] Sea shanties in Cornish
- [98] WCD Watson singing the Sans Day Carol in the early 1930s (from 08.06 onwards)
- [99] Hilary Coleman's website, selling Cornish music books and CDs
- [100] Radyo an Gernewegva / An Mis – a monthly TV programme and weekly radio programmes
- [101] Archive of Radyo an Gernewegva programmes from 2008-2012
- [102] Discord – various chat channels including online lessons, and a resources channel with dictionaries (including to Breton) and grammar books in a variety of orthographies
- [103] Yeth an Werin Warlinen - Zoom conversation groups for beginners or advanced speakers
- [104] Reddit channel for enquiries / information about Kernewek
- [105] BBC Nowodhow an Seythen – weekly news programme
- [106] Facebook groups – links to Cornish facebook groups
- [107] Kernewiki – wikipedia in Cornish has over 7,000 articles written in all spelling systems
- [108] An Gannas - the monthly magazine of Kowethas an Yeth in SWF
- [109] Gweles - quarterly magazine , mostly in Kernowek Standard
- [110] Kows Kernewek - YouTube channel with a variety of clips with the language being used in various situations
- [111] Links to short films in Cornish
- [112] Speak Cornish website - links to a number of films in the language
- [113] Hwerow Hweg - a film in Cornish
- [114] Kernewek Bew - YouTube channel including recordings of the series 'Tamm ha Tamm'
- [115] Magi-Ann - simple stories on app for nursery and family learning
- [116] Over 500 podcasts (originally created for Radyo an Gernewegva) by Nicholas Williams
- [117] Cornish language film company
- [118] Some short films in Kernewek by Denzil Monk
- [119] Cornish translation of a popular Welsh app for children
- [120] An Canker Seth - TV programme from the 1980s
- [121] Kernowpalooza - TV programme
- [122] ArtCornwall: variety of resources on art etc. including videos with some content in Kernewek
- [123] Sounds of Cornwall (CHBN Radio) weekly radio show including Cornish lessons and music
- [124] Kernowpods YouTube channel - archive of An Mis TV programmes and other videos
- [125] Golowva - YouTube channel with a variety of Cornish content, old TV programmes, films of the Gorsedh etc
- [126] Four short fims in Cornish on the BBC
- [127] Speak Cornish videos for children
- [128] Sacred Awen Ministries - YouTube channel of videos in Cornish
- [129] Gwren ni gwari - Minecraft
- [130] Aventur - game in Kernowek Bew
- [131] Ceangal Ceilteach - Radio programme on WMBR Radio at MIT in Boston, Massachusetts. Includes Cornish music every week.
- [132] Film - Nebes Geryow adro dhe'n SWF
- [133] Recording of Jowan Chi an Hordh by Seamus Ó Coileain
- [134] News items in Cornish from over 20 years ago
- [135] Rod Lyon reading the Lord's Prayer
- [136] Youtube channel with a number of films with Cornish subtitles
- [137] Overview of publishing in the Cornish language. (Pages 70-79)
- [138] Wikisource – the chief mediaeval texts in Cornish
- [139] Kernowlingo – a similar site including most of the later fragments
- [140] Digitisation of the Ordinalia by Bodleian Library
- [141] Online downloads of some major texts about Cornish including Henry Jenner's 'Handbook of the Cornish Language'
- [142] Lhuyd's Archaeological Britannica
- [143] LearnCornishLanguage– a translation of ‘Lord of the Rings’ in SWF
- [144] Stoff Kernewek – links to the manuscript copies of the mediaeval texts
- [145] Stoff Kernewek – links to various poems
- [146] Lexilogos - links to a number of Cornish language sites
- [147] Evertype – translations of many English classic novels into Cornish available for purchase
- [148] List of publications in Kernowek Standard
- [149] Spyrys a Gernow - books available for purchase in Unified and Kernowek Standard
- [150] Lulu – a variety of free e-books such as Beatrix Potter translations and comic books to translations of English classics for purchase, mostly in Unified
- [151] Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek - books in SWF or Kemmyn available for purchase
- [152] Cussel an Tavaz – links to late Cornish texts
- [153] An Blog Kernewek – a variety of translations from other languages
- [154] Francis Boutle - books of poetry in Cornish available for purchase
- [155] Pepper & Carrot - Series of 38 comics in Cornish
- [156] Gwiasva an Orsedh - Website of Gorsedh Kernow + online shop for books about bards
- [157] The Cornish Store - a variety of goods including books and CDs
- [158] Cornovia Press - books about Cornish themes and people
- [159] Tor-Mark Press - a wide range of books on Cornish issues including the language
- [160] Federation of Old Cornwall Societies shop - books on a wide range of Cornish subjects including in Kernewek
- [161] Link to various manuscripts about Kernewek includinga glossary of Bewnans Meriasek and Etudes Cornique by Joseph Loth
- [162] Article in Dutch about Hal Wyn (Ralph St Vincent Allin Collins)
- [163] An adventure of Colin the Coastguard translated into Kernewek by Rod Lyon available for purchase at a nominal price as a download or i-book
- [164] 'An Jydh Glawek' - a bilingual easy reader for children
- [165] Ow gorour yw ty - Children's Covid-19 story
- [166] A variety of articles about the history of the language
- [167] The website of Dr Charles Penglase including some short stories
- [168] Copies of 'An Weryn' a radical magazine for Cornwall from the late 1970s/early 1980s
- [169] Wiki-blog for Cornish authors
- [170] List of (almost) everything ever published in Cornish
- [171] An Bibel Kernewek - the Bible in Cornish includes a downloadable pdf version
- [172] Another link to An Bibel Kernewek
- [173] Online version of the Bible
- [174] MarysRosaries - a variety of prayers available in Cornish
- [175] Lyver Pysadow Kemyn - Book of Common Prayer in Unified
- [176] Evidence for the existence of a mediaeval Bible in Kernewek
- [177] A reading of the Lord's Prayer in Cornish
- [178] Many hymns translated by Ken George
- [179] Kesva an Taves Kernewek - the Cornish Language Board
- [180] GoCornish - links to apps and other websites and information for primary schools
- [181] Kernowek Lulyn - links to resources in Kernowek Standard
- [182] Stoff Kernewek – links to other websites
- [183] Bernard Deacon's website – articles about Cornish history and politics and language change
- [184] Sordya - collection of left-wing political articles on various issues
- [185] Carn - magazine of the Celtic League, with articles in Cornish from 1973 onwards
- [186] Taklow Kernewek – a variety of mapping projects in Cornish
- [187] Dasserghi Kernewek – oral histories of the language
- [188] Cornwall Forever – links to various aspects of Cornish history and culture
- [189] Omniglot – a comparison of Cornish and other Celtic languages
- [190] Links to a number of blogs in Late Cornish by Janice Lobb
- [191] Te ha Tesednow - Neil Kennedy's blog, written in Late Cornish
- [192] Nicholas Williams' website with links to poetry and books written by him
- [193] Hwedhlow Kernewek – a variety of stories and articles in SWF (M) by John Prowse
- [194] Bibiography courtesy of Dr Merryn Davies-Deacon of academic articles about Kernewek
- [195] Academic papers about Cornwall and Cornish by Prof. Ken Mackinnon
- [196] Video on YouTube of the first wedding conducted through Cornish in modern times (1964)
- [197] A number of online quizzes on conversational phrases
- [198] Phrases in Late Cornish
- [199] Ken George's website with a variety of presentations and lecture notes
- [200] Blog Kernewek a'n Iseldiryow - Cornish blog from the Netherlands including an extensive bibliography of Kernewek
- [201] Stephen Rule's blog (Doctor Cymraeg)
- [202] Skrifys y'n Emlow - Owain Holland's blog #1
- [203] Podcasts by Owain Holland #2
- [204] Skrol an Yeth - Lianne Wilson's blog
- [205] KernewekKensa - Kensa Broadhurst's blog
- [206] CornishStory - an initiative of Cornish Audio Visual Archive (CAVA) based at Institute of Cornish Studies with a variety of articles about history, poetry, art, film etc.a few with a connection to the language
- [207] Kwis awgrym yn Kernewek - Mathematics quiz in Cornish
- [208] Information about Cornish place names
- [209] Sodhva an Yeth/Cornwall Council's language office, with various links
- [210] Movyans Skolyow Meythrin - nursery schools organisation for Cornish
- [211] Skol Veythrin Sen Jowan
- [212] Kowethas Ertach Kernow - links to a wide range of material including songs etc
- [213] A list of Cornish personal names
- [214] Awgrym sempel yn Kernewek
- [215] Besont - a board game for purchase which includes learning some Cornish language phrases
- [216] Lectures of the Skians Conference 2022
- [217] A geographical blog covering Cornish identity and culture, including interesting discussions regarding use of the language in the late 19th Century
- [218] Academic paper about Dolly Pentreath
- [219] Review of the Cornish language in Czech from 2006