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Eus Celtic Languages
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O tiskouez amañ dindan betek 15 a zisoc'hoù etre #1 ha #15.
Gwelet (50 kent | 50 war-lerc'h) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).
- A Guide to Irish Cases
- Breton/Pronunciation
- Classical Gaelic Nominal Inflection
- Gaelic Isoglosses
- Gaelic Metrics
- Irish/Déise Irish/Déise Phonology
- Irish/Déise Irish/TEG Déise
- Irish/Prepositions
- Irish/Relative clauses
- Irish/The Article
- Old Irish/Morphology/Nominal Proclitics and Particles
- Phonological and Morphological Developments in Gaelic
- Resource Lists for Gaelic Dialects
- Welsh/Conjugations
- Welsh/Mutations
Gwelet (50 kent | 50 war-lerc'h) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).